Pages - Menu

Sabtu, 04 Januari 2014


This time I would like to share an information about how to use one of Hot Potatoes application's menu. It called Jmix, and it function is to make a jumble word quiz or rearrange the words. like this one :

Here is the question I made, check this out : JMIX Exercise - By Adikerta
Have you see that ? here I also provide a video that contain the tutorial about make that quiz, just click this link :
After watching that video you can try this at home
oh wait, you want to try but don't have the application ? don't be worry you can download it here for FREE :

After you try that, I also provide some example for other menu than Jmix. You can try these exercise and I made them by choosing theme of ANCIENT EGYPT! hope it enrich your knowledge :
- Jquiz exercise about Egypt
- Jcloze excercise about Egypt
- Jmatch exercise abut Egypt
- Jcross exercise about Egypt

I Think that's all, have a nice day everybody ^^


Well everybody, this time I want to share an interesting information to you about Mobile Language System. Ever you heard about it ? In short Mobile Language is system to learn language that installed in your mobile phone.

Today I provide a Power Point Presentation in form of video to tell you about how MOBILE LANGUAGE SYSTEM DEVELOPED
just click the link and enjoy the show ^^

and today I also give you a link that contain the example of Ice Breaker video, check this out :

Please don't forget to leave comments or thumb there
Have a nice day ^^