Pages - Menu

Sabtu, 04 Januari 2014


This time I would like to share an information about how to use one of Hot Potatoes application's menu. It called Jmix, and it function is to make a jumble word quiz or rearrange the words. like this one :

Here is the question I made, check this out : JMIX Exercise - By Adikerta
Have you see that ? here I also provide a video that contain the tutorial about make that quiz, just click this link :
After watching that video you can try this at home
oh wait, you want to try but don't have the application ? don't be worry you can download it here for FREE :

After you try that, I also provide some example for other menu than Jmix. You can try these exercise and I made them by choosing theme of ANCIENT EGYPT! hope it enrich your knowledge :
- Jquiz exercise about Egypt
- Jcloze excercise about Egypt
- Jmatch exercise abut Egypt
- Jcross exercise about Egypt

I Think that's all, have a nice day everybody ^^

9 komentar:

  1. Well... make a quiz by using this application is very interesting. after all your tutorial was very good and thank for the link of the HotPot application :D
    visit mine.. :D

  2. @arini : thank you ^^
    @ady : you welcome bro (y)

  3. Nice one.. but I couldn't see clearly your presentation.. I don't know maybe the problem is in my laptop..
    but I love the way you presented the tutorial.. slow but clear

  4. nice tutorial adi. i can easily to follow this tutorial ^ ^

  5. Nice one.. but I couldn't see clearly your presentation.. I don't know maybe the problem is in my laptop..
    but I love the way you presented the tutorial.. slow but clear

  6. Interesting hot potatoes adi, i am really like those hot potatoes especially about the Egypt.

  7. Well overal I think it's quite good, but I hope that you can find another topic, I mean not just about Egypt because if I want to answer all of those exercises, I will get bored easily because the topic is the same.. you know, find another topic and it can be an ice breaker in your hot potatoes exercises.
    thanks, have a nice day :D

  8. Nice presentation adi kerta, tank you for the download link (y)
